We were invited to visit the neighbors' garden, which belongs to one of the two remaining semirurale houses in Bolzano. Retired carabinieri maintain the building and keep a vegetable garden. Semirurale houses were built in the course of Mussolini's resettlement politics, which brought Italians from Southern provinces as workers to new factories in the German-speaking South Tyrol. The two storey detached houses with gardens offered the newly arrived a home at the edge of the city and the possibility to survive on growing their own food. The popular houses were torn down during the 1970s to give way to a denser city development. The semirurale house in Via Bari is planned to become a museum.

For informing about the urban garden, we replanted parts of the neighboring bar- and restaurant's terrace in an action during lunchtime with plants Gärtnerei - Floricoltura Silbernagl had donated. While Meike was planting, Erika distributed leaflets inviting the guests to visit and to join the urban garden, and the garden party on Sunday afternoon, July 11.

suggestion: establish friendly relationships to your neighbors for exchange and support.
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