
Kulturlandschaften was a participative urban gardening project by Meike Schalk & Erika Mayr together with Donne Nissà for Summer Drafts, in Bolzano, 3-11 July 2010.

Donne Nissà is a grassroots association of and for migrant women, http://www.nissa.bz.it , who engage in a number of activities such as giving legal advice, supporting women working in the care sector, running a kindergarten, and a number of cultural projects that deal with multiculturalism such as theater, literature, café, and course activities. Donne Nissà is based in the district of Don Bosco where they obtained the permission to re-cultivate a part of 1000 sqm of overgrown public land for community gardening, at Via Bari off Via Alessandria.

For more information on Don Bosco, see: http://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/Don_Bosco_(Bolzano)

Summer Drafts involves various migrant and civil society associations based in Bolzano. Every year a number of international guests, artists, activists, and theoreticians who work in a participatory way are invited to spend a period between 7-10 days to work in collaboration with one or more organizations around a set of issues that are identified through a common process, http://www.summerdrafts.org

Urban gardening is a way of caring for nature and communities. The reasons to start are as diverse as the people who have a passion for it. Gardening not only enables to grow and harvest own fruits and vegetables, it also brings individuals together to share knowledge, their products, tools, and work, and to enjoy. People involved in gardening often experience closer relationships to their surroundings when they grow, cook, and harvest their own food together. Growing food in the city gives back the responsibility for ground, nature, and production processes.


to give and take

Donations from Silbernagl
Gärtnerei-Floricolura Silbernagl donated several boxes with ornamental plants for the urban garden, http://www.silbernagl.bz.it .

Donation of cans from Monika in Oberbozen

The urban garden received a donation of six cans originally for Kraut from Monika of "Blumen - Frisches Obst u. Gemuese - Lebensmittel - Weine u. Spirituosen" in Oberbozen, which we used as containers for a nomadic part of the garden. Tools were donated and lent to us by various gardeners. Warm thank you also to Gerda Gius!

To complement the upper beds which take a long time to install, we introduced nomadic beds in cans and sacks. The golden cans of Monika were planted with red geranium and placed at the two entrances of the garden towards Via Bari and towards the park. A combination of flowers, beetroot, leek, lavender, and red current bushes were planted in sacks and labeled. They can later be moved to newly installed beds.

In the evening we discussed gardening and bee projects at Casa Rotonda, a neighborhood organization, which might be interested in the future starting gardening at the same site.

suggestion: through giving and taking seeds, plants, flowers, berries, vegetables, fruits, tools, advice, help, and information the urban garden will blossom.

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